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If you wnat to know more about the Duo,

You are in the right place!

Hã-Rãn  Hã-Rãn

Today, the duo looks to the street art,

playing cheerful shows and travelling the country with it.
But besides them, the duo shows
solo acts in many cabaets and variete nights.


O Fantástico, Fabuloso e Espetacular Espetáculo da SrTA Ninow e Convidados

A big circus show in open air, that brings colors, poetry and the magic beauty of the circus in unique acts. A variete that is always diferente. Adding artists and skills and condutied for a great master of cerimonies in stilts. A show that transform all the moment and delight the audience throw the circus surprise.

Gender: streer circus

Age: all ages




A show for theater rooms, tells the history of two street artists who travels for cities, building their dreams. But faces with a big probem: the lost of their principal work and travel equipamento: the bike wheel.

The wheel fallen off, the world turned around and the time just stoped for a while.

All the problems they have to face from this and the search of solutions comes in a poetc way, in circus and radical sports acts. On the stage there are skills many times seen on the streets and extraordinary.


Gender Circus

For all ages



Gomesninow - O Cubo na Roda  is a street circus show, no ages frontier, made for adults, children and even to teens. A show that has no borders, adaptting to every place, square or parks in open air.

Mixing juggling and comicity, Miss Ninow and Mister Gomes have the support of a brave helpier to show their habilities and have lots of fun with the audience,

breaching several times, with the border between the stage and the audience.

Gender: Circus

Best for: all the ages




Carina and Gabriel develops solo and duo acts for shows in cabarés and varietes.

Many and diferente acts of BMX flatland, BMX in duet, Cyr Wheer, Duo Cyr wheel, manipulation of forms with cube, juggling, aerial rope and clown.

As well as they are speciallyzing in master of cerimonies of circus variete.

ESPAVENTO_dupla Gomesninow_foto de  MICA



This is a visual performance of Dupla Gomesninow. Unlike the other works of the duo - based on the game and the word - this performance is structured by visual stimulus. Many elements are placed in the scene, accompanied by songs that create an atmosphere that allows each viewer's personal interpretation of what they watch. In the performance, curiosity and surprise come through the game of juggling, stunts, movement through space, dance and manipulation of forms.


Gender: Circus

For all ages


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